Pump Day



It’s pump day. This is a cell phone picture, but those are my Louboutins in the kitchen. Which, by the way, is NOT a place I’d actually recommend wearing them unless you’re filthy rich and can replace them left and right.

So I’ve be lax on posting about school. K is doing well at everything… But after church last week, I noticed that this child can NOT fill out a worksheet. We don’t tend to do them. I can’t even begin to describe what was wrong with it. So this week we’ve been focusing on spelling, writing, spacing and now I’m adding some worksheets to the program just so it doesn’t look like we’re doing nothing around her when we get back to church. Embarrassing. You don’t even think about these things when your kids are just breezing through lessons on penmanship, spelling and whatnot. Math is coming easy to everyone. Which is a relief. It was always easy for me as a child and I’m not sure if I’d know what to do if the concepts were difficult for the children. Although A has taken to skipping to 100 after he counts to 20 and he thinks it is hilarious.

A is actually going through a phase. It’s pretty funny. You wouldn’t think a 3 year old could be so… clever… But he is. And he KNOWS what he is doing. He makes “the face.” Yesterday, I asked him to stop winding things on daddy’s guitar. So he sat behind it and unscrewed a piece of the stand. Loop-holed by a preschooler.

Everyone in the house is sick so we’re taking it easy but we’re still doing school. I figure unless I actually get sick too and just can’t even fathom reading aloud to the kids, there is no reason not to at least do some relaxed lessons. Especially since we didn’t do hardly a thing last week with daddy home. Let’s just count that as an early spring break, shall we?


In addition to my usual household chores, I’ve spent a chunk of my morning researching raw milk. My SIL shared an article on the health benefits of raw milk. And it got me looking into local sources and prices. I’m pretty sure in the process I stumbled across my neighbor’s blog… apparently having written a post on the subject a couple years ago. Not that I know my neighbors. I live in the ghetto and tend to avoid people anyway because of my crippling social anxiety and awkwardness. Something I’m pretty sure is well masked by my cheerful, extroverted nature over the computer. I may not be cheerful. I might be sarcastic. But I think I’m nice, and I guess that’s what really matters. Anyway, I talked to my SIL about it a bit and think I might try convincing my husband that it’s worth working a trip to Tenino into the budget to get raw milk for drinking, and still using the store bought stuff for cooking. There are some local farms and stores that offer it, but $10-11 a gallon for a family of 5 is a bit much. Considering we’re making it just within our budget (if that) most months on just our usual food expenses. I’ve been sneaking us away from eating ANY processed foods (organic or gluten free included) and from grains. And since the higher the quality your meat and veggies, the more they cost, and our family is growing (the individuals, not the size of our family) our costs have, predictably, increased some.

Today I am wearing my new bra, to test out its comfort for all day wear, before doing a comprehensive review of it. Sneak peak of the review: I love this bra. Although my kids are kind of surprised to see me about the house in street clothes. I’m one of those stay at home moms who spends 90% of her days at home in pajamas. I’m a shut in. What difference does it make? Haha. I know Fly Lady would disagree, from what I’ve heard from friends. But it works for me. Especially since my wardrobe is pretty small. What if I waste a good outfit on a day I do nothing and can’t use it on the weekend?

Oh, back to the raw milk thing… Apparently there is a coffee shop in Port Townsend that serves raw milk by the glass for drinking, and in their cappuccinos and lattes. Mr. Music and I were just talking about maybe day tripping to PT soon with the kidlets anyway. You know where I’m totally going when we do. Since my littles (especially A) love Grandma’s raw goat milk, I’m pretty sure raw cow’s milk will seem like a real treat.

K’s cellcept FINALLY came in the mail yesterday. We switched to using a mail order pharmacy. It’s about the most annoying process in the entire world. And I’m pretty sure it’s staffed by morons. But it’s finally sorted out. I’m going to stick it out for now… but if they have problems with refills, we’re going back to driving to Seattle once a month. Because this is just ridiculous. Anyway, the cellcept. It came in a powder instead of a liquid. My husband informs me that shipping liquid medications has different regulations and they probably chose to do this because it’s cheaper. I’m ok with that, although I was surprised. The problem is the instructions. “Pour approximately 94ml of water into a graduated cylinder…”  Wait…. What? Who honestly keeps a graduated cylinder around? So I had to convert ml to oz to tbs before I could mix them. Overall, I’m just thankful it arrived just as we’d run out of the other bottle.


We gave our kids a box of 600 legos at their birthday party. And went to see the Lego Movie the day after. I can’t get “Everything is awesome” out of my head. And my children have become lego addicts. Or “Master Builders.” We spend hours on the living room floor with legos. Making up stories, building houses, stores, people…. And me sneaking in quick lessons in math using blocks or stacks of legos.

My first bra arrived yesterday. I took some pictures of it. I’m holding off on a review until I’ve got the other one as well. Since having a comparison of Polish brands is nice.

I’ve been perusing the Freya website to look at their SS14 collection of swimwear. They have a few cute things. But I kinda hate swimsuit shopping. Everything is always expensive, and it’s incredibly rare that I find something in my size. Enough whining for the day…

I’m Back

I’m back. Probably. For now. I knew this would happen. I’m the least reliable blogger. I’ve been meaning to update since Christmas pretty much and just have NOT made the time. Since it is pump day, I should at least mention that I did get some awesome pumps for Christmas. Although I haven’t worn them out of the house yet for obvious reasons. My husband bought me Christian Louboutins. The Bianca. And since I live in the great wet PNW, I haven’t let them venture past my front door. I don’t want to get into a big update-y post. But I think there are a few things to note… K has gotten significantly better at reading. M is a math whiz with great hand writing. And A is picking up on some math and sight words along with his siblings. He’s still mostly interested in coloring and singing, but what can you expect? We are considering sending the older two to a Christian school next year.

Everyone had birthdays over the last month. We’re having a party Sunday at our house. It’s set up to be quite some fun for the kids. Though I don’t have anything in mind for entertaining the parents… Oh well. We’ll pick up some snacks and just hang out.

For Valentine’s Day, I entered a contest by my favorite bra maker… and won. Which was a bit of a surprise for me… Giveaways are not usually my thing. I enter them but I have the creative capacity of a teaspoon generally speaking so I wasn’t expecting to win a contest. I got my shipping notification the other day. And in a week or two, I will have a new bra. For free. Awesome, IMHO. I also decided to try a second Polish bra company, just based on options for variety and great reviews. This I’m less sure will end up being a good fit. New company, new style (plunge instead of my favored half cup) and European sizing… Let’s call this a little adventure. That shipped yesterday. If there’s any interest, I can review both bras (although I’m not one of the people you’re going to see on the internet in her bra) after they get here. Actually, considering I don’t have a consistent readership as far as I know… I shouldn’t probably ask for interest. I’ll just review them and maybe people will stumble across the post and it’ll be helpful…

And ending my post with prayer requests…

The brakes on our car went out. We need a solution for that. A speedy one, I mean.

My husband just had a job interview… I’d like them to offer it to him with a nice salary.

And K’s numbers were up after her last labs… Let’s hope for the increase in her cellcept to bring them back down. And for remissions, while we’re at it. Her next appt is complete with an ultrasound. Hopefully things look good. That’s not until May, but I’ll keep you all posted.